


The learning of fractional mathematics in class IIIA that is currently happening does not provide opportunities for students to think and develop their own ideas, so that mathematics subjects are less attached to them, easy to forget because learning is still textual so that elementary school students find it difficult to learn. capture mathematics learning material. The offer from researchers in learning mathematics with fractions using alternative media is concrete objects. Thus, the task of the teacher must be more creative and motivate students to learn happily and not boring and can understand the material being taught. One of them is by using concrete object learning media to make it easier for students to learn.

The aims of this study were to: (1) find out the teacher's efforts in using concrete objects in the numeracy skills of class IIIA MI Ar – Ridlo Blimbing Malang City, (2) find out the factors that hindered the implementation of teachers in improving their numeracy skills using concrete objects in class IIIA. MI Ar – Ridlo Blimbing Malang City.

This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research that takes place in MI Ar – Ridlo Blimbing Malang City. Researchers as key instruments. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by condensing the data, then presenting the data and finally from the compiled data, conclusions were drawn. Checking the validity of the data is done by testing credibility, transferability, depandibility, and comfirmability.

The results of the study show that, (1) the teacher's efforts to use concrete objects in the numeracy skills of class IIIA MI Ar – Ridlo Blimbing Malang City students, including: a) Preparation, including: preparing lesson plans and preparing learning media, b) Learning  implementation, includes: carrying out appreciation activities, expressing learning objectives, carrying out core learning activities using concrete object media, c) learning evaluation, d) follow-up. (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for teacher implementation in improving numeracy skills using concrete object media in class IIIA MI Ar – Ridlo Blimbing Malang City, among others, these supporting factors consist of: a) Media concrete objects are easy to find in the surrounding area, b) students have high enthusiasm in learning, c) when learning to use media makes students more active. While the inhibiting factors in using concrete object media consist of: a) the lack of availability of media used in learning, b) regarding the problem of cost in its use.

Keywords: Concrete Object Media, Mathematics Learning


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How to Cite

UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERHITUNG DENGAN BANTUAN BENDA KONKRET PADA SISWA DI MI AR-RIDLO KOTA MALANG. (2023). ISPRIS:Islamic Primary School, 2(2), 86-96. https://e-journal.staima-alhikam.ac.id/ispris/article/view/2735