Peer Review Process

The papers submitted to Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (LENSI) will undergo a thorough review process by experts in the field of Islamic education management and leadership from various universities across different countries (double-blind review). The review process typically takes about a month. Before being sent for review, all submitted papers will be scanned for plagiarism to ensure the originality and integrity of the content.

To be considered for publication in this journal, a paper must meet the following general criteria:

  • The paper must be original, unpublished, and not under review or consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The paper should present strong and well-supported evidence to back its conclusions.
  • The paper should be based on research findings or a comprehensive literature review within the field of Islamic education management and leadership.
  • The content should be of interest to scholars, researchers, and practitioners in Islamic education management, leadership, and related disciplines.

In general, to be accepted, the paper should contribute to advancing understanding in the field, offering insights that are likely to influence or shape future thinking in Islamic education management and leadership. There should be a clear rationale as to why the paper deserves to be published in LENSI rather than in more specialized journals, providing unique value to the wider academic community.

This is the flowchart that illustrates the process from submission to publication:



| Manuscript Submission |





| Check Focus and Scope    |




  +---------------------+   +---------------------+

  | Accepted            |   | Rejected            |

  +---------------------+   +---------------------+




| Plagiarism Check    |




  +---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+

  | Accepted            |   | Revision            |   | Rejected            |

  +---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+




| Review Process      |




  +---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+

  | Accepted            |   | Revision            |   | Rejected            |

  +---------------------+   +---------------------+   +---------------------+




| Editor's Decision   |





| Manuscript Revision |





| Finalization & Editing |





| Publication         |
