Plagiarism Policy

Leadership: Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (LENSI)


At LENSI, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in publishing. As part of our commitment to academic excellence, we take plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism undermines the trust and credibility of scientific research and violates ethical principles in scholarly publishing. This policy outlines how LENSI handles cases of plagiarism and other unethical behaviors in accordance with the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.), COPE guidelines, and other international ethical standards.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism refers to the practice of using someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper acknowledgment. This includes: a) Direct plagiarism: Copying text verbatim from another source without proper citation. b) Mosaic plagiarism: Borrowing phrases or ideas from another source without proper acknowledgment, even if the text is paraphrased. c) Self-plagiarism: Submitting the same work or parts of previous work for publication without citation or permission, misleading others into thinking it is new research. d) Data plagiarism: Using someone else’s data or research findings as if they were your own without proper acknowledgment.

Prevention and Detection of Plagiarism

1. Initial Screening: All submitted manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism screening using recognized plagiarism detection tools (Turnitin). Any detected similarity index above 20-30% will trigger further investigation.

2. Author Responsibilities: Authors are required to ensure that their submitted work is original and free of plagiarism. All sources used in the research should be cited according to the APA citation style, both in the text and in the references section.

3. Editor and Reviewer Responsibilities: The editorial team is responsible for verifying that the manuscript adheres to the plagiarism policy. Reviewers are also asked to flag any concerns about plagiarism they may notice during the peer review process.

Actions in Case of Plagiarism

1. First Instance: If plagiarism is detected, the author(s) will be notified and asked to explain or revise the manuscript. In cases of minor, unintentional plagiarism (e.g., improper citation or citation omission), the manuscript may be revised and resubmitted with corrections. The manuscript may also be rejected if the issue cannot be resolved.

2. Severe Plagiarism: In cases of severe plagiarism, such as extensive copying or data fabrication, the manuscript will be rejected immediately. The author(s) will be informed of the reason for rejection, and a record of the violation will be kept.

3. Retraction of Published Articles: If plagiarism is detected in a published article, the journal may issue a retraction. A retraction notice will be published in the journal, which will explain the reason for the retraction (e.g., plagiarism). This will ensure transparency and inform readers and the academic community.

4. Consequences for Authors: Authors found to have committed plagiarism may be subject to additional consequences: a) A ban from submitting manuscripts to LENSI for a specified period. b) Reporting of the incident to the authors' affiliated institutions, especially in cases of serious ethical misconduct. c) Involvement in academic misconduct registries, where applicable.

Collaboration with Institutions

In cases of serious plagiarism, LENSI may collaborate with the author’s affiliated institution or funding agencies to investigate the matter further. This ensures accountability and helps to uphold the standards of academic integrity.

Ethical Guidelines

In line with international ethical standards, LENSI adheres to the guidelines set by:

1. COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): COPE's guidelines on handling plagiarism and ethical misconduct.

2. APA (American Psychological Association): APA’s guidelines on research ethics and publication integrity.

3. ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors): Ethical guidelines for manuscript submission, review, and publication.

Commitment to Integrity

LENSI is dedicated to ensuring the integrity of the academic publishing process. By maintaining strict adherence to this Plagiarism Policy, we aim to uphold the highest standards of academic excellence and foster trust within the global research community.

For any inquiries regarding this policy or to report any potential plagiarism issues, please contact us at


Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2019). Retraction guidelines. Retrieved from

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). (2020). Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals. Retrieved from

World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). (n.d.). Ethical guidelines for publication. Retrieved from