Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Januari-Juni
Original Research Article
A Study on Direct Corrective Feedback in Improving Students' Writing Performance and Motivation at MTs YP KH Syamsuddin Ponorogo
Abstract viewed: 422 PDF downloaded: 368Published: 2021-06-30The Roles of Pesantren and Madrasah in Modern Society
Abstract viewed: 720 PDF downloaded: 614Published: 2021-06-30Overlapping Duty of Parents in Distance Learning During Pandemic and Its Impact on Child's Psyche at TK Al-Amanah Campor Barat Ambunten Sumenep
Abstract viewed: 355 PDF downloaded: 234Published: 2021-06-30Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Parsons’ Structural Functional Theory
Abstract viewed: 1559 PDF downloaded: 2452Published: 2021-06-30Religious Education Curriculum in the Family: Islamic Perspective
Abstract viewed: 498 PDF downloaded: 468Published: 2021-06-30